Dear Friend,
Committee meetings have resumed and the Legislative Session is scheduled to begin on January 17. During this time of strong political currents being felt across the state, it is crucial that we all continue constant vigilance by reviewing proposals as they are hurried through the legislative process.
As usual, please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or opinions you may have about our community or our state.
Chris Larson
State Senator, District 7
Governor Can Make Any Issue Divisive
Governor Walker proved once again this past week that he cannot work together with others on such bipartisan issues as finding savings for Wisconsin taxpayers. The supposedly bipartisan Waste, Fraud and Abuse Commission was scheduled to release a report detailing additional savings at the end of the year. Unfortunately, this Commission became little more than a political propaganda ploy. The Commission rarely met, chose to ignore members of the minority party, avoided important subject matter, and denied members the opportunity to vote on or approve the final report it produced.
Governor Walker derived his Waste, Fraud and Abuse Commission from a campaign pledge in which he promised to find $300 million in waste, fraud and abuse in state government. Walker created the Commission through Executive Order #2 on January 3, 2011. The order required the Commission to “identify waste, fraud and abuse in state government programs and state appropriations and recommend solutions.” The Commission was expected to identify new savings of state tax dollars to uphold Governor Walker’s promise. Unfortunately, the Commission was a failure.
Instead Walker's report takes credit for savings the state has nothing to do with or savings already accounted for from previous actions of state government. In response to the Walker report, we offered an honest, straight-forward alternative that does not take credit for previous state government action, future federal action or budgeting gimmicks. The alternative plan contains potential savings of hundreds of millions of dollars each biennium.
The Commission heard testimony on the significant money government can save when municipalities are allowed to work cooperatively. Unfortunately, the Governor continues to restrict local government from working together on such simple things as filling potholes. The Governor also chose to ignore his own report by refusing to fill staff positions dedicated to catching corporate tax cheats.
Finding savings and efficiencies in government is something that we can all agree is necessary. There is no reason for Governor Walker to turn such important efforts into a political game.
Click here to read a copy of the report released by the Commission.
Click here to view a copy of the alternative report.

Getting Our Veterans Back to Work
I am co-sponsoring legislation that will help get our veterans, who have given so much to our community, state and nation, back to work.
LRB 3631 is a bipartisan effort to support our disabled veterans in these tough economic times. This legislation will encourage employers to hire disabled veterans through a series of tax credits. The aim of these tax credits is to not only inspire employers to hire disabled veterans, but also incentivize long-term employment.
Unemployment among veterans is above the national average and unemployment among disabled veterans is especially distressing. This legislation will allow employers to put more of our veterans back to work so that they can support themselves and their families.
It is important to remember how much our service men and women have given for us. In exchange for their valiant service, the least we can do is promote employment and prosperity. Therefore, I will be enthusiastically supporting LRB 3631, to get our disabled veterans back into the workforce.
Click here to read a copy of this bill.
Office Phone: (608) 266-7505
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Email: Sen.Larson@legis.wi.gov
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