January 19, 2012
MILWAUKEE, WI - Milwaukee Professionals Association observation from 2005-2010 (5-Year Signature Plan 2005-2010) revealed patterns of behavior. For today's disclosure, we share the following behavior patterns:
-- Outsourcing of wealth by those elected-appointed-hired-volunteered and Donor-for-hire (lack of awareness, resolutions and committee votes).
-- Outsourcing of resources - strategic information, jobs, tax increment financing, special projects, real estate, real estate development, business development, education attainment and technology attainment (appointments on committees, boards, panels and advisory groups).
-- In the case of Mayor Tom Barrett and Common Council President Willie Hines, they appear to be the traffic cops for the MILWAUKEE 7, MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE and GREATER MILWAUKEE COMMITTEE. Since 'donor groups' are affiliated with these organizations, you will find members of the donor groups sitting on powerful committees and/or ad hoc designators and making decisions about how the Milwaukee citizenry government funding is spent - ACTS that do not have the permission of the People. They are primarily people of privilege and many do not live in the City of Milwaukee.
-- In the case of Mayor Barrett, the
Departments of City Development-Rocky Marcoux and Martha Brown, Public Works-Jefferey Mantes, Neighborhood Services-Marty Collinsand the Public library-Paula Kiely, Assessor's office-Mary Reavey and Community Development Block Grant-Steven Mahan have long ran amuck in code of conduct conducive to office.
There is a CULTURE that is discriminatory and arrogance; 'we do it this way and we do not care what you document, what you ask for as public records OR what you think.'
In the case of the Department of City Development, it is too large and need bi-annual auditing for compliances and growth. It is a mini government unto itself - ran exclusively by Marcoux. Inappropriate. Some of the same can be said of the Department of Public Works. Our records found private companies like WE Energies and Warner Cable with authorities that led the decision and coverage of the Department of Public Works.
The various committees (i.e., city planning and BOZA - Board of Zoning and Appeal) were ran by a select group with no insight to speak of. Appointments are sometime seen to be "endless" - Inappropriate. They are always majority-to-all Caucasian based.
City Plan Commission
Fourth of July Commission
Housing Authority
Milwaukee Arts Board
Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation
Neighborhood Improvement Development Corp. (NIDC)
Redevelopment Authority
-- Patterns of "clickish" maneuvers that disenfranchised the stockholders-Milwaukeeans. The groups were made-up of cronies, self-appointed or appointed, based on reason for placement - often seen as a payback for elections.
Then there are those who appear to be,
-- Manipulators and lobbyists for outside power sources. They are often found on various committees and/or appointed members that do absolutely nothing for Milwaukeeans, especially African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged (un-, under-employed; un-, under-degreed and certificated; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level business; disabled; and re-entry - especially those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, BOOMERANG EMPLOYMENT, BOOMERANG RETIREMENT and DEGREED students without employment).
-- visible was pure "arrogance" on the part of veteran elected officials - a sense of 'entitlement' to office and 'because I said so' response to their behavior and/or actions on committees or creation of resolutions.
The same type of behavior has been seen by the "NEWEST" alderpersons - last four years.
Perhaps there is a fungus that takes over the Call to serve the people - to provide integrity to the council. At any rate, Milwaukee Professionals Association feels that the status of Milwaukee - continuous growth of ENDURING CONCENTRATED POVERTY puts the spotlight on the mayor, common council, comptroller, Treasurer and city attorney for the 2012 Election.
The mayor is held accountable for his cabinet members, appointed and the hired staff that make up the departments of the city and his personal staff - notorious for "no response" for public information and return of calls.
We do not feel the positions belong to any particular party, group or individual.
Since it is the responsibility of the candidate to show why they should be elected, we will provide office scrutiny on the merits, what has been seen - The Roll Call.
This is the beginning of the Roll Call for this election cycle.
We can not AFFORD career politicians that fail to honor the Constitution (federal and state), provide integrity to the office they serve in, honor the Oath of office, RESPECT stakeholders/stockholder that live-in, work-in, do business with, invest-in, go to school in, go to worship in and raise a family in the City of Milwaukee.
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