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Alderman Willie Hines, 15th District - Milwaukee Common Council President (8 years) - City of Milwaukee
1996 - 2012 (16 years)
MILWAUKEE - Milwaukee Professional Association has identified the photo above as one of Alderman Willie Hines, 15th district, Achilles heels. It is the lone ranger photo on the website of the Milwaukee 7. They have had as the "poster photo" of inclusion of African American and their working relations with the City of Milwaukee Common Council President.
It is the inference that African American, the majority population in Milwaukee supports their effort.
NO, not at all.
So, for him to allow the "self-aggrandizement" and "exploitation", he is a negative incumbent.
Roll Call 2012 is a form of Stewardship Accountability for the elected officials that serve the City of Milwaukee - a heavy focus is on incumbents.
It is a direct part of re-defining, re-branding and un-trapping over a half-million population in the largest city of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
It is providing the leadership for infrastructural and systemic change for sustainability.
What's wrong with the photo?
It is an elected alderman of the City of Milwaukee that represents some of the more poverty-stricken neighborhoods in Milwaukee, aiding and abetting the members of the Milwaukee 7 group - a group that has systematically dismissed his constituents in:
-- employment
-- job development
-- education attainment
-- technology attainment
-- business partnering
-- fought 9-5 sick initiative
-- failed attempt to take over Milwaukee Public Schools
-- creating policies and reports as if they are authorized by the constituents that Alderman Hines represents.
Milwaukee 7 (M-7) consists of real estate barons, well-connected power brokers, corporate company leaders not fulfilling their mission when it comes to Milwaukeeans, lobbyists, wanna-bee capitalists and for-hire donors. It is basically a segregated organization ran by Caucasians and using an oligopoly structure.
President Hines is a member "by position" and evidently has "NO" authority.
M-7 members have taken un-authorized resources from the City of Milwaukee through the bogus and unethical acts of mayor Tom Barrett and Common Council President Hines.
The M-7 has by-design EXCLUDED the real stakeholders, African American, other People of Color and the Work-Challenged (un-, under-employed; un-, under-degreed and certificated; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level business; disabled; and re-entry - especially those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, BOOMERANG EMPLOYMENT, BOOMERANG RETIREMENT and DEGREED students without employment).
The citizenry/stockholders that make-up the majority of the population of the City of Milwaukee have not been consulted.
It is a photo of a Caucasian-based group, since 2005, that have allowed less than 5 (according to our files) African Americans to be labeled as members - their membership is due to their government and/or attorney status.
The M-7 say the group is engaged in partnership, strategic planning, decision making and changing quality of life and economic development in the City of Milwaukee. However, it is like in the 1960s, it does not say, but it does not include African American - of which Alderman Willie Hines is, in the REAL decision making.
The M-7 forged an agenda that allowed the mayor of Milwaukee, Tom Barrett, and Common Council President, Willie Hines, to help create a partnership with 6 other counties - Kenosha, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha.
The M-7 have formed an ologopolistic takeover of the assets of Milwaukee.
Gale Klappa has installed himself as "kingmaker" with the $1 million dollars of We Energies, then we have other co-arbitrarians over the years that will make-up the three (3) co-chairs that is standard for this group. It is consistently Tom Barrett, Mayor of Milwaukee, and Gale Klappa, President/CEO of We Energies. The 3rd co-chair comes from other leaders; i.e., Northwestern Mutual, Bradley Foundation, Journal Communications and Robert Baird.
The M-7 members have confiscated land, government funding, government programs, tax credits, designations and public policies. While Alderman Willie Hines' business constituents - hidden talent entrepreneurs and/or business developers are left to flounder with no granted resources.
The Milwaukee 7, launched in September 2005, was formed to create a regional, cooperative economic development platform for the seven counties of southeastern Wisconsin: Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth, Waukesha and Washington. Its mission is to attract, retain and grow diverse businesses and talent.
CLICK. Take a look at the present member-leadership that includes Alderman Hines.
Where is the growth from its Mission?
Milwaukee was identified as one of 16 ciites in America for Enduring Concentrated Poverty in 2008. CLICK to see
Milwaukee now fourth poorest city in nation - City's poverty rate in 2009 rises to 27%, By Bill Glauber and Ben Poston of the Journal Sentinel - Sept. 28, 2010
CLICK to see.
DWilson Disparity Study for the City of Milwaukee in 2010. CLICK to see.
Employment of black men drops drastically
UWM study of 2010 census data finds record low in Milwaukee
By John Schmid of the Journal Sentinel
Jan. 23, 2012
CLICK to see.

How does this affect Alderman Willie Hines?
He has allowed the City of Milwaukee land, people and resources to be raided.
He has acted in accordance with the desires of the M-7, not the constituents of his district and the people that make up the population of Milwaukee.
He helped OK public policies that helped outsource resources, deplete our coffers
with pet projects, crony appointments and strengthened WELFARE BULLS called corporate companies.
He has allowed JOSEY Heights, N. 12th Street, to be a lingering "eye sore" - especially since he blocked those of us in the neighborhood who were fighting to keep the "Green Space" for the neighborhood.
Alderman Hines has failed repeatedly over the years to return Milwaukee Professionals Association "calls - requests" for public information and to appear for clarity.
Alderman Hines' appointment of Alderman Jim Dudzik and the funding oversight of Department of Public Works was like putting the "fox in the hen house". Especially since Alderman Dudzik is an ex-employee of this department with many cronies. Alderman Dudzik failed to provide public information regarding the stimulus 2010 outsourcing of "construction projects" to outside companies (as far as 100 miles away) along Capitol Drive, North Avenue, Silver Spring, Teutonia and King Drive. While, "ready" construction workers in his district were not allowed to work on these projects.
He appointed Dr. Joan Prince, UW-Milwaukee, without training and expectations, to the Milwaukee Public Library. She has failed in duties of oversight and providing solutions for the betterment of the constituents of his neighborhoods and the city of Milwaukee, even though she has served as "gatekeeper" Chairman of same group.
Alderman Hines with his assistant, has used the WAICO/Y 10 as a personal stronghold for pet projects verification and accountability.
He has allowed Manpower, Bucyrus (now Cat.), Harley Davidson and We Energies to name four, to receive massive assistance while the city receives constant deplorable reports about our city, such as the dispicable reportings that came out John Schmid's (Journal Sentinel) reportreport by Marc Levine. .
Remembering my upbringing
In our house, our mother would often provide examples and anecdotal statements for clarity of her expectations and growth refinement. For explanation here, she would probably say about Alderman/Common Council President Hines, "he is judged by the company he keeps". And since his constituents have not benefitted from his 7-year poster membership with the Milwaukee 7, we again label him in this ROLL CALL as:
-- not in-line with Oath of office, expectation of the district and appropriate STEWARDSHIP.
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