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Monday, April 4, 2011

MPA Endorses Dr. James Muyskens for 8th Chancellor of UW-M

MPA Endorses Dr. JAMES L. MUYSKENS for the 8th Chancellor of UW-Milwaukee

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee is at a cross-road where it can become truly a World-Class Urban Research University.

It requires BOLD leadership by an experienced leader with academic and business model experience and strong people skills. An administrator with cutting-edge and state-of-the-art knowledge of what the market will bear and a code of conduct that understands the importance of ALL in the pipeline creates the advantage and opportunities that our economy and time call for.

Where are we headed? Value vs Stuff – A result that is high quality – Infrastructure - Moral Obligation
The above are points taken from the speech given by Dr. James Muyskens, President, Queens College, when he visited the campus of UW-Milwaukee on March 16, 2011. His topic: “Contemporary Challenges of Research Universities”. He was the first of 5 Finalists.

Dr. Muyskens brings academic experience that covers the classroom, research, discoveries, funding and leadership of a university. His last 8 years has been at one of the City universities of New York – Queens. During that time, he has shown growth in the specialty of the academic staff (evidenced by population and awards); worked in and cultivated benefits of multi-cultural populations of races, nationalities, ethnicities; provided results stemming from partnerships with other universities and forging capital campaigns at a time of economic challenges; but, seeing huge opportunities for sustainability through the engine of the students, faculty, alumni, donors, stakeholders and the voters.

Dr. Muyskens exposure as the Dean and CEO, Gwinnett University Center of Georgia’s 21st Century “bricks and clicks” model adds high volume and value-added leadership to his importance and success in BOOSTING GRADUATION rates in the City of Milwaukee and beyond.

We feel that he is seasoned, state-of-the-art, willing to listen, willing to collaborate, brings value rather than stuff and he recognizes the importance of working-in-partnership with the neighborhood-level. For it is working with the People of Milwaukee, African American, other People of Color and Work-Challenged of all nationalities and ethnicities, that he and the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee is successful.

We recognize and call upon each stakeholder of the City of Milwaukee, campus student body, faculty, UW-Regents and other stakeholders to step up in a unifying way and embrace Dr. Muyskens.

For the above reasons, MPA – Milwaukee Professionals Association, under the corporate leadership of Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, endorses Dr. James L. Muyskens as the 8th Chancellor for the University of Milwaukee.

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