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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Veto Override expected of Common Council - Wishing Does Not Make it So - VOTE OVERRIDE

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November 1, 2017
CITY-WIDE MILWAUKEE | Hear YeHear Ye! to the 15 members presently holding the seats named City of Milwaukee Common Council.  We, the Public, want to always have TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY from those who take an Oath of Office to provide fiduciary leadership.  

                                NOW IS THE TIME.


Members of the Common Council took a vote recently, 8-6, for to weigh in on the hiring and firing of the "chief" for the Fire and Police Department.

Alderman Nic Kovac, Alderman Bob Bauman, Alderman Khalif Rainey, Alderwoman Chantia Lewis, Alderman Mark Borkowski, Alderman Jose Perez and Alderman Russell Stamper voted yes.
Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderman Cavalier Johnson, Alderman Jim Bohl, Alderwoman Milele Coggs, Alderman Mark Murphy and Alderman Terry Witkowski voted no.
Alderman Bob Donovan was excused.
What happened Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderman Jim Bohl, Alderman Robert Donovan, Alderman Cavalier Johnson, Alderman Michael Murphy , Alderman Terry Witkowski and Alderwoman Milele Coggs?  

It would appear that you would have been for this change in legislation, given recent hubbubs with the police chief, lack of reports, high costs, questionable enforcement, and an obvious disregard for your charter position for city government.  Also, given the closeness of the VOTE, 8-6, may have given Tom Barrett, mayor, the "go ahead".  

Barrett immediately vetoed the Resolution claiming "politicizing" the reason?  Is that your CON too?  Politicizing?  If so, that is not a credible argument.

Law Enforcement of Milwaukee is well-known and the largest population, African American and other People of Color do not like the way they are treated and the manner in which safety prevention and safety intervention are pursued in their neighborhoods.

It is also known that Barrett and Flynn have somewhat commandeered what happens with the operation of the Police Department.  Then there is the unfavorable reputation of the Fire and Police Board.

Time to Correct
You have an opportunity to correct your lack of "decisive" Stewardship, to stand tall on the People's behalf on November 7, 2017.  
You are expected to VOTE to Override the VETO.

The facts have been revealed to you that there is a "cozy relationship" between the mayor and the chief of police.  

It has been reported that the chief of police has established a wall of arrogance.  According to Alderman Tony Zielinski, District 14, the police chief has refused to respond to the Common Council inquiries.  That is out-of-order and goes against our checks-and-balances for local government public trust.

When Milwaukeeans and members of the Common Council call the office of Fire Chief or Police Chief, we expect a professional, respectful, appropriate and timely response - not dismissiveness.  The cozy relationship between the mayor's office and the chief sends the wrong message and have helped removed TRUST.

Judging from what has been the "disconnect" of the Common Council and Chief of Police Fynn, as well as the disconnect of the Fire/Police Commission, it is time for the Common Council to have a say-so of the hiring and firing of the two top Safety Responders.  

Yes.  It is to be "publicized" by the facts.  

Given the focus on police behavior, cost of personnel, cost of legal suits, standards of service, citizen trust and negative image of the police in Milwaukee, the transparency and accountability cannot be left to the final decision of the mayor or those he appoints. 

What say you on November 7, 2017?


Take a listen to Alderman Zelinski on Public Policy w/Mary Glass, October 28, 2017.

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