Shawn Lewis, President of Young Republicans and members of the group at UC Berkeley is keeping the White-only Bigotry, Willie Lynch and Confidence Game alive.
The Oh Poor Me is not befitting since he and those who can pass as Caucasians are given every "pass" under the sun for privilege - that is for the MOST part the reason they have such an advantage.
For the People of Color that are rallying the "con", it is not about SB 185. You know, or should know, your history of "access-literacy-fluency". Also, pitting one race against another is the Willie Lynch racket. Please note, ALL Asians are not fairing well in the economy. All Asians are not excelling in the top percentile of academics. They like all, want to have more of what this nation is said to be about - rather than the trumped-up satire Shaw and all are running.
"Critical mass" of the Caucasian race have massively benefitted through the racial Confidence games and ruthless white-only behavior that has systematically and infrastructurally robbed generations and century-old legacies of People of Color.
The Confidence game - Con, is what Shawn and his organization is counting on from the public. It gets him and the "group" in the public square. And, if they are successful, they will hit 2-3-4 News cycles for even more national and international hype.
However, the damage - the collateral damage, intended or not, is so damaging. It continues to "pick-with-wounds" or "open-wide bleeding wounds to gushing wounds".
It allows bullying and making fun of, snide remarks that can not be tolerated.
Today's young and young adults, the coming young and young adults, will not buy the bull that Shawn and others are peddling. We see the protests/revolts in the states and over the world.
The issue is access-literacy-fluency, PERIOD.
If one has "access-literacy-fluency", they can create their sustainability - their wealth-building. Without same, they endure concentrated poverty that brings baggage that dominates the environments.
Grandfather in
Shawn and those supporting his thoughts, primarily Caucasians must be responsible, pull-themselves up by the bootstrap - they are the ones with the bootraps. "Be made to understand" that their privilege will be a deficit going forward.
It is time to "grandfather-in" those who have been systematically and by-design left out; those great-grand and grandchildren - whose great-grandparents, grandparents and parents worked hard labor, deprived of education - deprived of legacy assets - deprived of wealth-building, day-in and day-out, year-in and year-out working 2-3-4 jobs to stand the test of time and racism.
Bake Sale
Did he say $2.00 for Caucasian - that's too cheap; and ONLY Caucasians should pay. The cost is a minimum of $2,000 per bakery item, 1 cookie. Muffins, brownies and the like are $2,500 dollars each.
It is reported that 300 bakery items were sold. Shawn and group should be forced to pay the difference of what they charged with the "historic payback cost" of $2,000-$2,500 per item - bargain rates. The proceeds should be sent to UC Berkeley public relations office to recruit more People of Color to UC Berkeley.
We must get the benefit, the interest on the privilege, arrogance and greed he's pushing.
Shawn and the Young Republicans are taking privilege to greed, to arrogance, to expected advantage, to thought-of-as a “right”. The ME-ME blinders. It is thinking that the world is made only for Caucasians, for him and those he care for.
I wonder if Shawn, the Young Republicans and followers think the above is "satire", is funny, appropriate and respectful of their Bake Sale? I am serious. The cost is much too low at $2,000 - $2,500.
It has nothing to do with SB 185
We can not allow Shawn or the other individuals that are protesting this bill to exclude it at a time when it is more than ever clear that People of Color have been scammed by the system; at a time (2011) when there are more individuals in or headed for poverty; at a time when education and global competitiveness will determine USA ranking in the world; and, at a time when the USA is scoring low on the totem pole academically. Wake up Shawn and others lost. It is a global issue of sustainability. Guess who are controlling - the BRICS (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa/Nigerian nations), not European/Caucasian.
SB 185 if done rightly, it will help with access-literacy-fluency - Something that is so needed to improve the economic climate that is in the toilet.
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