MADISON, WI - The 2011 UW-Madison Diversity Forum was held Thursday, October 6, 2011, 8:30am - 4:30pm at Union South in Varsity Hall on the 2nd Floor.
The Diversity Department has a NEW focus of CREATING COMMUNITY - Promoting Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at UW–Madison.
The efforts of the Diversity Department focuses on all areas of diversity, it includes:
- Continued learners
- Disabled learners
- Gender
- Nationality
- Race/Ethnicity
- Religion
- Veterans
- others
This year's highlight was on the urgency of providing Educational opportunities for African American and Latino males who have data supporting an enduring and concentrated level of poverty - a huge gap of access-literacy-fluency.

Kenote Speaker - Dr. Pedro Noguera, Sociologist Professor from New York University.
His scholarship and research focuses on the ways in which schools are influenced by social and economic conditions in the urban environment.
He has published over 150 research articles, monographs and research reports on topics. He is the author of 5 books. He has taught in the public schools in Rhode Island and California; as well as held tenured faculty appoints at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Dr. Noguera appears as a regular commentator on educational issues on CNN, National Public Radio and other national news outlets.
The presentation given by Dr. Noguera presented hands-on points for awareness and actions for reform. He received a standing ovation.
One of his first points was that the "Crisis" in males of African American and Latino heritage is an "American Problem". However, it is presented as an African American or Latino problem with blaming the victim of things beyond his control.
Secondly, that the problems of African American and Latino males have been misdiagnosed, therefore it has grown and is more debilating.
There is need for a counter-narrative to break the cycle of failure.
Thirdly, that there is "so little outrage" - That the discourse is either driven by phobia and/or fettish - extreme thinking. On the one hand, African American men are portrayed as a danger. However, when it comes to Sports (because of the awe - success), African American males are respected with devotion. For the Latino male, he is seen as "invisible".
Dr. Noguera spoke of the crisis conditions that have engulfed the African American and Latino male as a "syndrome" likened to the AIDS (Acquired-Immune-Deficiency-Syndrome) virus. The immune system has been attacked and there are no buffers - no antidote.
That the needs must be met - child developmental needs put in place - Maslow law of hierarchy of needs are needed for preparing for life.
He gave the names of schools that have shown exemplary progress with African American males, such as Urban Prep and Thurgood Marshall in Harlem.
He also spoke of how we, the educators are complicit in the problem of driving up the negatives for non-empowerment. He gave a story about an assistant principal prejudging an African American student with "adjustment" issues. The assistant principal said, " the little boy would wound up in prison like is father and his brother because he was a behavior problem." However, when he was asked what he was doing to prevent or offer intervention to his prediction, he was surprised. For he felt the child was not his problem. In other words, he was a casuality - doomed. The assistant principal was African American.
We must make choices that influence a more positive outcome and not be menacing.


Mr. Caire is known for his work with youth. As part of the solution, he is in the process of building a single-sex (male) charter school in Madison - Madison Prep.
He received pledged support from the floor to help provide "research" data to support his present efforts with the Madison School Board.
Employment of African American and Latino Males
Employment was one of the strong points of deficits he mentioned that speaks to the "gap" of disparity.
One salient point related to UW-Madison's procurement that is glaringly missing to African American and Latino males.
He pointed to the fact that the NEWLY built Memorial South building that we were having the Diversity Forum in had a Caucasian-only viewing of workers. In other words, African American and Latinos were not part of or seen working on and taking part in the erecting of UW-Madison Memorial South.

In addition to being selected to attend the national diversity conference held in California; he is an Academic Advancement Program Scholar and a member of and serves as Vice President of Lamba Theta Phi Latin Fraternity.
He was named Outstanding Freshman of the Year: Class 2014.
Arturo is a graduate of Case High School in Racine, Wisconsin.
He summarized points of how he has navigated the system and his efforts going forward.

He gave a due diligence powerpoint presentation that shared updates on his campus-wide efforts. It is an integrated approach rather than a centralized or de-centralized approach. His department is looking for ways of, "How they can be MORE engaged".
Dr. Williams shared efforts brought about at the University of Michigan that included Supreme Court legal decisions.
To view the 2011 Diversity Forum full powerpoint slide show, GO TO.
"I see many points to share in both the Diversity and Inclusion of Dr. Williams leadership; and, I look forward to discourse for our upcoming 2012 Diversity Conference in Milwaukee," said Glass.

Carl Hampton, JD, Special Assistant to Dr. Damon Williams, is well-known for his efforts in the political arena working with elected officials at the state and federal level, was most hospitable before and on the day of the event.
"We look forward to working with him in the future as we connect with undergraduate and graduate students for the Safety Matters Exploratory Team and our upcoming Diversity Conference in 2012," said Glass.
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