State of the Union - January 25, 2011
Earth to ALL Supreme Court members, especially the three (3) who did not come. May I remind them that they work at the behest of the people of America - they are citizens that have been given a special privilege to show that they are worthy of TRUST.
Justice Antonin Scalia, who is from a village near Milwaukee, spoke of juvenile behavior: "It is a juvenile spectacle, and I resent being called upon to give it dignity, Justice Scalia told the Federalist Society in November. “It's really not appropriate for the justices to be there."
Did I hear "juvenile"? Did he give me the impression; he can give it but cannot take it?
And, YES, ALL justices should be present.
Justice Samuel Alito told a group at the Manhattan Institute in October. “We have to sit there like the proverbial potted plant most of the time. And we're not allowed to applaud--and those of us who are more disciplined refrain from manifesting any emotion or opinion whatsoever.”
Did he say that he had a problem with protocol – Is this one of our life members speaking?
Did he say he must refrain from certain "reactions" and "cannot comment" - well citizens before them have to do the same every day? Join the discomfort and the feeling of unfairness - A teachable moment.
"I don't go because it has become so partisan," Justice Clarence Thomas said to students in Florida last year just days after the State of the Union speech, which he did not attend. "And it's very uncomfortable for a judge to sit there. There's a lot that you don't hear on TV: the catcalls, the whooping and hollering and under-the-breath comments. One of the consequences is now the court becomes part of the conversation, if you want to call it that, in the speeches. It's just an example of why I don't go." Did he say "partisan" – and his non-participation is not partisan?
Did he say, he feels uncomfortable?
How do the people in the court before him and the other justices feel - "comfortable"? I don’t think so.
Another case, he can give it but cannot take it.
At least they do not have to invest a chuck of money, time in previous courts and argument to come and be present – the citizen has to hire an attorney (s), spend time in courts before them and hopefully have an argument that will not render additional pain.
Come to think of it, the justices need to be compelled to attend ALL State of the Union Speeches as well as any other event that requires the coming together of those We THE People ELECT-ARE APPOINTED-HIRED.
They have been appointed/selected as justices of the Supreme Court.
They are not SUPREME BEINGS - get real. The last time I checked, they all were human, have glaring flaws (as in this article) and definitely will not escape "dying".
Join the human race and come from being in the clouds or outer space.
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