Martin Luther King, Jr.
Milwaukee, WI – February 13, 2011, Milwaukee Professionals Association [MPA] is reporting more of the findings of a 5-year (2005-2010)investigation of organizations/agencies requesting-receiving and spending federal funding and other funds on behalf of Milwaukee, especially People of Color and the Work-Challenged.
They are first focusing on those with a legal connection at the state level for their awareness of the widespread de facto discrimination, segregation and refusals/delays/block to public information.
There are three (3) examples given on how the constituent, the taxpayer is disregarded.
No. 1 - Over the last five years, 2005-2010, the office of Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, conducted a Smart Growth 2010 investigation of public and private organization that requested, received and spent funds on behalf of Milwaukeeans, especially People of Color and the Work-Challenged.
The over-and-over behavior was:
• We do it this way.
• We do not care what you think.
• If we need your response, we will ask for it.
• We will ignore your request, even delay-stall-block public information.
• We will misrepresent the truth.
• We will even provide “No response – No timely response” even though you are seeking input on behalf of those this office serve.
No. 2 – During the recent Milwaukee Mayoral Takeover attempt, Mary Glass engaged many attempts of contact for information sharing and non-support of the takeover.
This meant contacting both chambers at the State Capitol, elected officials of the Milwaukee area, elected officials of other areas and the State Education Committee.
The reaction was lackadaisical and selective behavior in the "Code of Conduct”.
Etiquette is not at the level it should be - lack of quick courtesy response, follow-up and/or professionalism of their office.
Lack of response is seen in the daily course of events in society and it follows, it is also seen in our justice system - including our courts.
The familar refrain was mainly “no” initial response. If so, it appears to be perfunctory or computer generated. When verification for specifics from our elected-appointed-hired government representatives - Too often the office did not know the answer, wanted to know why you wanted to know and a promise of getting back to you. Depending on the clarity requested, the range of response is: No Response – delayed unclear response. UNACCEPTABELE. It perpetuates waste, fraud, deficits, concentrated poverty and loss of human capital.
No. 3 – An example, was when two elected officials in the Shorewood area, State Senator and State Assemblywoman, to join us in a Saturday Talk Civil Discourse on Health Care and they did not think it worthy of their office to respond yea-nay - To provide a referral - To offer a “courtesy response”.
Not to mention, MPA Saturday Talk was being held at a site, in their district, where a NEW merchant, 6-months old, was contemplating closure due to the economy.Here we had two (2) core issues, health care and a new business, that these two elected officials could have supported, extended a hand and their office did not embrace “best practices” that includes their Oath of Office. They both come from a health care background and their rhetoric say they promote local businesses.
This is not a case of them not knowing, I followed the email with calls for transmission and response.
There are no enforced policies. Therefore, a lack of disregard for the process of being “ethical” is much too remote.
The above mentioned behaviors were seen in our public schools (elementary-secondary-technical/ vocation and college/university), local-state-federal government (many-many-many departments), law enforcement, news outlets, lobbying bodies (commercial and unions) and many public/non-profit organizations.
MPA is requesting the Milwaukee Branch of the NAACP, President James Hall, his cabinet, executive board and all branch members to rise up with leadership that calls for due process - equality in our government and social services - the head representatives of WI Board of Accountability (appointed), WI Supreme Court - Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson (elected/Appointed) and Attorney General JB Van Hollen (elected) to join us in making our state No. 1 in how ELECTED-APPOINTED-HIRED representatives of the state government respect the wishes of its constituency. This is being mentioned at the state level but is a federal-state-local call.
MPA ask that these offices support the following:
That, Elected-Appointed-Hired government representatives take their job of privilege seriously.
That, Elected-Appointed-Hired government representatives that take an Oath remember that it means, "TRUST ME".
That, Elected-Appointed-Hired government representatives realize as a "public servant" they are holding up the Constitution and all the laws brought forth through time.
That, Elected-Appointed-Hired government representatives are only as good as the last moment of "BEST PRACTICE" service.
That, Elected-Appointed-Hired government representatives realize that they should be monitored-applauded-paid for appropriate services.
That, Elected-Appointed-Hired government representatives realize that they should be quickly disciplined for inappropriate behavior.
Accountability means, NO ONE is exempt.
“Accountability must be part of the spirit and letter of the law. Just as there is a disregard for the citizenry and their quality of life concerns, it carries over to other things such as: lobbying, discrimination, cronyism, campaign finances, greed, arrogance and willingly disregarding due process” said Mary Glass, Chair/CEO, MPA.
First posting: July 21, 2010
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